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Library News

Mental Health Awareness Month

Posted in: Homepage Features

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month! At University Libraries, we care about the mental health of the members of the Montclair Community. Check out these resources and activities we make available to you!

Play a Board Game or Complete a Jigsaw Puzzle

We have a number of board games and jigsaw puzzles available to borrow at the front desk. You can also find Relaxation Stations on the 2nd floor containing coloring pages, table top building materials, and collaborative jigsaw puzzles.

Watch a Movie

We have over 7500 DVD’s in our DVD collection that you can borrow or you can view a flick from our streaming media collection.

Read a Pop Pick

To the right of the front desk is a collection of pop culture books that you can enjoy for a bit of light reading.

Listen to Music on Vinyl

Enjoy a classic tune on vinyl in a listening room on the library’s lower level.

Rest in our Nap Pods

The new nap pods, located on the first floor in the Commuter Study Space, just outside of the Office for Faculty Excellence (OFE), are designed to provide library users with a dedicated space to rejuvenate both physically and mentally.