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IT Security Tips – Cyber Safety: Summer Travel Edition

Posted in: Information Security

cyber security while traveling infographic

Cyber Security Getaways

Protecting your adventures, one click at a time!

Travel Lightly

Limit the devices you bring on your trip. The more electronic devices you bring, the more risk you open yourself to.

Enable 2FA or MFA

Before you jet off, ensure your accounts are doubly secure!

Pause, THINK, Post

Think before posting on social media while traveling! It’s safer to share your adventures after you’ve returned home to avoid potential security risks.

Update Software Before You Go

Update all your software devices before you hit the road! Keeping your software up-to-date is essential for a safe and smooth travel experience

Travel Wise: Secure Your Devices

Keep your information safe on the go by adding strong passwords to your devices. It’s an essential layer of security while traveling!